krokodil riba
Festival: November 6−9
Exhibition: November 6−25
letece oko

Today’s game – tomorrow’s profession

Franc Vrbančič

ŠC Ptuj, Elektro in računalniška šola students: Šešo Aljaž, Tadej Vidovič, Niko Ivezič, Tomaž Šešerko

A workshop and a film are representing ICT technology’s assistance in spreading the knowledge of technical field. They are intended for primary school pupils as an aid for Robotics in Engineering and Robotics in Electronics courses.

Lego systems composed of Lego Bricks for building robots will be used during the workshop, with the fundamental part being a graphically or textually programmed minicomputer with incorporated sensors, enabling the robot to detect environment.

A presentation of the project Flying eye – application of technique in painting – helicopter.