In a number of her works, the author deals with feelings of entrapment, anxiety, hopelessness and uncomfortable physical states, which she causes with the circumstances in the installation. Sim is a kind of personal archive, containing the sweat of 800 people, preserved into glass vials. The 800 vials are shakily positioned onto shelves inside an environment extremely sensible to the movements caused by the visitors entrance: each movement inside the room can break the vials. The glass vial installation setting (1 x 3 m cube) produces an extremely high temperature produced from a 1000 W lighting system, which makes the observer sweat himself. The physical borders between the observer’s sweat and the liquids in the other vials are thus blurred.
Link to the project: http://www.draganasapanjos.net/dragana/sim.html
Link to the author’s CV:
Link to the author’s site: http://www.draganasapanjos.net
Artist Talk
Dragana Sapanjoš was born in 1979. The disturbing feeling of awkwardness that the sculpture evokes has been an essential part of her research.